Odd Sleeping Arrangements
Apart from the music, there was a lot going on at Woodstock. There were a lot of individuals there, as well as psychedelic drugs. It was only natural for the attendees to become exhausted. The vehicle hoods were all taken, so where should I go for a nap now? This guy thinks riding a motorcycle is a fantastic place to hang out. Strange sleeping locations were another unforgettable Woodstock experience!

Odd Sleeping Arrangements
Choose Your Own Adventure
“Groovy Way” and “Gentle Path High Way” both sound enticing to us. The former conjures up ideas of afros and bell-bottom jeans, while the latter conjures up visions of lush greenery. We think it’s fantastic that participants will be able to explore the “Groovy Way,” but we know some will prefer the “Gentle Path High Way.” People could do both at Woodstock. They didn’t have to stick to a single path.

Choose Your Own Adventure