Buses And Caravans Aplenty
Many campsites and abandoned buses littered the festival grounds. They were a way to get away from reality. They gave some people the option to have a little privacy! Many photographs shot during Woodstock show individuals relaxing inside and on top of automobiles. Some even climbed onto bus roofs. People did not seem to mind hanging out on top of automobiles because every space looked to be valuable.

Buses And Caravans Aplenty
Shopping Galore
There were also a lot of improvised shops. They sold everything from clothing to crafts to drug paraphernalia. This simply added to the visual and acoustic spectacle that was Woodstock. These are, of course, still popular at music festivals and concerts today. Those without a change of clothes had nothing to be concerned about. Many people wore tie-dye shirts at the festival, and the majority of them undoubtedly took them home with them.

Shopping Galore