Helping One Another
The Vietnam War was still going on at the time of the festival. To protest the war, the ‘flower kid’ movement arose. Many individuals came to Woodstock to demonstrate peace and togetherness. They were protesting the terrible events that were taking place. Henna tattoos, which were popular during Woodstock, are being done by the individuals in this photo. Hippie and flower child were once synonymous. Flowers or floral-themed things were worn and given by “flower children.” These things, they believe, represent peace, love, and universal belonging.

Helping One Another
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People acquired their news through newspapers and magazines because the Internet didn’t exist back then. People wanted to know what was going on in the rest of the world even while they were at the event, and this was how they found out! As you can see, there was a lot of paper utilized. In fact, the clean-up following the event was a massive undertaking that necessitated the use of bulldozers.

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