We all know that fashion trends come and go. If you didn’t know, this shot was taken in the 1960s and looks like it was taken today. The clothing and hairdo worn by this couple may easily be seen on the streets today. This couple’s outfit might be used as inspiration if you wish to dress like individuals in the 1960s. Simply by looking at this, it is clear that bright clothing was popular at the time.

Goth before Goth
It’s rare to see someone dressed entirely in black at Woodstock, so this photograph is noteworthy. This woman accomplished something few others have done: she dressed entirely in black! However, because the festival was all about diversity, she probably received no strange looks from other attendees. We have to admit that we admire this lady’s self-assurance. It’s not easy to pull off an all-black outfit, but she did a fantastic job!

Goth before Goth