You Can’t Go Wrong With Eating These Super Foods For A Healthier Heart

Published on 11/19/2018


Lentils can definitely improve any dish you’re planning to cook, though it might be time to add it to your diet on the regular. Research has shown that a diet rich in lentils and beans will lead to a lower risk of developing heart disease and strokes. Moreover, lentils are an excellent source of potassium, magnesium, and protein. In lay man’s term, this legume can help decrease cholesterol levels, reduce blood vessel plaque build-up, and lower blood pressure!





The nut family is full of many tasty members, though we have to say that almonds definitely top the list. Research has revealed that they are also loaded with healthy nutrients that can improve memory and intelligence as well as reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease. Regular consumption will also be effective if you wish to lower your cholesterol levels. It has a high level of plant sterols that will lead to the prevention of LDL absorption and reduction of the risk contracting cardiovascular problems.

