You Can’t Go Wrong With Eating These Super Foods For A Healthier Heart

Published on 11/19/2018


Here is more great news for people who like to indulge in the good stuff every now and then. Chocolates generally serve as a sweet treat, though you might not be aware that it also prevents heart disease and strokes! A research by Harvard has shown that people who regularly consume raw cocoa displayed no hypertension and lower blood pressure levels. We highly recommend going for dark chocolate as it is naturally full of the antioxidant flavanol. Enjoy it in moderate amounts if you want to improve blood vessel flexibility, lower blood pressure levels, and prevent other heart- related issues.





Sardines might be a bit of an acquired taste, though non-fans might want to start getting used to it. Studies show that this cold fish comes with high levels of various heart-healthy nutrients. In fact, sardines are particularly loaded with omega-3 fatty acids. Don’t let the word ‘fat’ get you down as this is the good type of fat that decreases triglyceride and increase good cholesterol. As a bonus, it also decreases inflammation and ultimately improves heart health.

