Forbidden Delights: Discover the World’s Most Notorious Banned Foods!

Published on 10/04/2023

8. Kinder Surprise Eggs

Banned in: United States
Reason: Choking Hazard
Est. Global Sales: $5.9 billion per year*

In 2018, a historic event unfolded in the United States, forever altering the destiny of an entire generation of American children. It was a moment reminiscent of the end of the prohibition era in 1933, as a deeply unfair law was finally amended. Brace yourselves for the game-changer that shook the nation: the long-awaited legalization of Kinder Joy eggs! For half a century, Ferrero’s delectable chocolate eggs had been outlawed, all because authorities, with good reason, saw the tiny trinkets hidden within as potential choking hazards. While the ever-popular Kinder Surprise eggs remain banned across the U.S., the stirring debate continues, questioning whether they still pose too great a risk. Hold onto your seats, folks! The saga of Kinder eggs continues!

8. Kinder Surprise Eggs

8. Kinder Surprise Eggs


9. Casu Marzu

Banned in: The United States
Reason: Fermentation Process
Est. Global Sales: $2-$4 million per year*

The fermentation of casu marzu works its magic, transforming the once-hard pecorino cheese into a delectably creamy delight. But here’s the catch – this very fermentation is what led to the cheese being banned in America! So, how does this transformation happen? Well, it involves the introduction of fly larvae into the cheese before fermentation. These little critters release a secret liquid that breaks down the cheese and gives it its irresistible allure. Unfortunately, the United States, along with a few other countries, decided that indulging in maggot cheese wasn’t in the best interest of their citizens. Intriguing, isn’t it?

9. Casu Marzu

9. Casu Marzu