You’ll Never Expect What The Teacher Did After What This Young Boy Exposed

Published on 07/04/2022


The news that some of Iowa’s greatest surgeons, including Zoe Stewart Lewis, MD, Daniel Katz, MD, and Alan Reed, MD, would be performing the kidney surgery helped to alleviate Nancy’s loved ones’ frantic fears. They were informed that Nancy would be receiving a dangerous therapy that would require only the most qualified doctors in the field. When doctors extracted Nancy’s kidney from her body, they had to be very careful not to injure her, and they also had to ensure that the kidney was correctly transplanted into Darreld’s body.




A Success

The operation went well and was completed on schedule! The kidney was successfully transplanted into Darreld in the same way. Both he and Nancy were expected to make full recoveries. The medical personnel had performed admirably. Nancy’s visit was eagerly anticipated by Darreld’s family. Hugs and tears welcomed her as soon as she opened her eyes. They assured her she was now a member of the family and that they would be there for her in any manner she needed. The gift she gave them will be treasured for the rest of their lives, and they are appreciative.

A Success

A Success