This Is What Happens When You Use WD-40 As Engine Oil

Published on 12/25/2018

Talking About It

As they were heading back to where they were from, with the remnants of the car behind them (they actually had to tow it), they were still buzzing with excitement about what happened. They kept repeating exclamations and phrases like, “that was dope,” or “that was intense,” and “it exploded!” There was nothing more fun than reminiscing about an exciting event immediately after it happens. They were absolutely pumped with adrenaline.

Talking About It

Talking About It


Correct Prediction

So, while they were driving back they discussed whose prediction was most accurate. The girl who was also the timekeeper gave that award to the guy with the closest guess – the one who said two minutes. That same moment, the guy who predicted ten minutes acknowledge that he overestimated it by a long shot. However, he was quite optimistic about the experiment from the very beginning.

Correct Prediction

Correct Prediction