These Facial Reconstructions Of Important Historical Figures Will Blow You Away

Published on 09/02/2019

Marcus Agrippa

Born in 63 BC, Marcus Agrippa was a Roman general, architect, consul, and statesman. He was also the righthand man and best friend of Emperor Augustus. He died in 12 BC. Should you ever find yourself in Rome, a lot of the buildings in the city had been designed by him! He also played a hand for the victory against Mark Antony and Cleopatra during the Battle of Actium.

Marcus Agrippa

Marcus Agrippa


What Marcus Agrippa Really Looked Like

He died in Campania at the age of 51. Augustus honored him by hosting a huge funeral and giving him a mourning period that lasted more than one month. He took care of the children left behind and put them through school. Before he died, Marcus already built a tomb. However, it was not used because Marcus had his remains placed in his mausoleum. Here is what they believe Marcus Agrippa looked like.

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What Marcus Agrippa Really Looked Like