Why Americans Are Fleeing These Popular US Cities

Published on 10/04/2023

24. Rochester, NY

Major Industries: Advances in manufacturing and energy innovation
Annual Growth Rate: 0.27%*

Welcome to this captivating upstate New York City, also known as the “Flour City” for its history as a leading flour producer in America. Today, it shines with a thriving music industry and renowned research university. But let’s dig deeper into what drives people away from here – besides the frigid winters that make everyone long for warmer days. High property and income taxes are among the culprits pushing residents out. In the past, stalwart companies like Kodak and Xerox kept blue-collar workers afloat. However, as these job opportunities dwindled and relocated, the city’s population followed suit. Job hunting can be quite selective in this niche market. Meanwhile, Rochester harbors a striking class divide, where the inner city and the suburbs seem worlds apart. The city used to boast the highest child poverty rate in America. Today, tensions persist between the affluent suburbs and the inner city, making for a captivating tale of contrasts.

24. Rochester, NY

24. Rochester, NY


25. Fairbanks, AK

Major Industries: Retail trade and healthcare
Annual Growth Rate: 0.3%*

If you’re craving an awe-inspiring spectacle of the northern lights, look no further than Fairbanks. This vibrant city, nestled in the heart of beautiful Alaska, boasts the distinction of being the second-largest populated area in the state. Home to esteemed institutions like an Army and Air Force Base and a renowned university, Fairbanks is a treasure trove of natural wonders. Interestingly, despite all its attractions, many urbanites are itching to escape the city. Fairbanks has witnessed a significant decrease in population over the past few years. One possible explanation for this could be the overseas deployment of soldiers from Fort Wainwright, leading Army-affiliated residents to temporarily relocate. With its already small population, this decline suggests that Americans are increasingly drawn to higher-density urban areas, even if it means sacrificing the scenic and historic charm Fairbanks offers. But don’t be fooled by its seemingly limited job opportunities outside of tourism and snow. Fairbanks has its unique charm, and with no sales tax to worry about, it presents an alluring lifestyle for those seeking a different pace.

25. Fairbanks, AK

25. Fairbanks, AK