1989 Geo Metro
Another collaboration, the Geo Metro was made by Suzuki and GM. Let’s start off slowly. The car had a 3-cylinder engine which was naturally slow due to the fact that it barely put out 50 horsepower. The interior was clearly cheaply made, and the exterior design… Well, see for yourselves. It looks like a bean. It makes sense why it has appeared in many lists of the worst cars on the internet. All the same, we should mention that there are many owners claiming that they’ve driven the car past 250,000 miles, so this might just be the best worst car ever.

1989 Geo Metro
1999 Toyota Echo
The Toyota Echo was the car that you were disappointed to get when the rental car agent handed you the keys. It drove like a go-cart. Trying to accelerate was not unlike stepping in a bowl of mashed potatoes. Of course, the exterior was just as bad as the interior. It looks like a fat gummy bear with tiny wheels.

1999 Toyota Echo