Meet The Celebrities And Billionaires Who Fueled Donald Trump’s Rise To Power!

Published on 07/26/2023

Farris Wilks

Frac Tech was founded in 2002 by Farris Wilks and his brother Dan. Before selling out in 2011 for a combined $3.5 billion, the brothers had developed their business over the next ten years to become one of the world’s top fracking enterprises. The brothers have continued to invest and own land since then. Despite not making a donation in 2016, Farris and his wife Jo Ann have given $250,000 to the 2020 Trump committees.

Farris Wilks

Farris Wilks

John Paulson

Farris Wilks and his brother Dan founded Frac Tech in 2002. Before selling out in 2011 for a combined $3.5 billion, the brothers had expanded their business over the previous ten years to become one of the world’s top fracking enterprises. Since then, the brothers have continued to invest and own land. Despite not donating in 2016, Farris and his wife Jo Ann have given $250,000 to the 2020 Trump groups.

John Paulson

John Paulson