Meet The Celebrities And Billionaires Who Fueled Donald Trump’s Rise To Power!

Published on 07/26/2023

Stewart Rahr

Stewart Rahr’s father founded the pharmaceutical distributor Kinray in the 1940s, and it became so successful under his management that Stewart Rahr was able to sell it for $1.3 billion in 2010. He has earned a $2.3 billion net worth as a result of the sale and savvy investments. He gave $250,000 to Trump’s 2020 campaign and $449,650 to Trump’s 2016 campaign.

Stewart Rahr

Stewart Rahr


Thomas Peterffy

Thomas Peterffy exemplifies the American immigrant success narrative, perhaps inadvertently. He traveled from Hungary to the United States in 1965 with only the clothing on his back. Peterffy’s current positions as CEO of Interactive Brokers, an online trading platform, and owner of 500,000 acres of Florida timberland net him $16.2 billion in total. He boosted his $100,000 donation to Trump 2020 from 2016 to $250,000.

Thomas Peterffy

Thomas Peterffy