Baby Seal’s Odd Behavior Gets Zookeeper Fired After CCTV Review

Published on 05/16/2024

The bathroom hideout

John dashed into the restroom, locking himself in a stall to buy some time. He was familiar with his boss’s schedule and remembered a standing meeting at 10 o’clock. If he could simply remain hidden until then, he’d have a greater chance of moving around undetected. The sounds of the zoo disappeared behind the toilet door, providing John a brief respite from his hectic day.

The Bathroom Hideout

The Bathroom Hideout


Bathroom wait

John waited in the restroom, checking his watch every few minutes. The seconds passed slowly, intensifying his worry. He kept listening for the zoo’s sounds to calm down, indicating that his boss and others were on their way to the meeting. It was an odd hiding place, but it was the best option he had to avoid being discovered too soon.

Bathroom Wait

Bathroom Wait