Master Planning
The pregnant panhandler must have mastered the art of begging as she had to pull on people’s heartstrings to get their money. She must have made the plan: a pregnant woman begging for money with her little boy at her side. She even had a cardboard with her with the words “Please Help” written on it. Who wouldn’t feel bad for someone like that? Of course, people felt bad for them and gave them money. Smith thought that they would be discovered soon. She didn’t know then that she would be instrumental in exposing a much larger scheme.

Master Planning
Her Recognizable Sign
Smith later realized a rather shocking and unusual sight. She would never have expected this nor did she foresee such a thing. Smith had no suspicions and no wary feelings until this moment arose. Her suspicions were well validated as she had realized that this beggar had been residing in the same spot for two consecutive months at this point.

Her Recognizable Sign