Call Of Duty
Call of Duty is a great game and even soldiers like to play it from time to time. What separates them from other players, however, is their ability to discern reality from fiction. They’ll be able to tell you that it is impossible for a single person to carry a grenade launcher along with 6 rifles in real life!

Call Of Duty
Black paint or ‘Boot-Topping’?
It is true that there is no significant difference between boot-topping and boot paint. If you are really curious, however, we will let you know that the former refers to the black coating lathered between the deck and the waterline. Made of lime or sulfur, the consistency tends to be thick and liquid-like. Civilians might not be sharp enough to tell which is which, but a soldier should be able to see the difference right away.

Black Paint Or ‘Boot Topping’