Forbidden Delights: Discover the World’s Most Notorious Banned Foods!

Published on 10/04/2023

14. Citrus Flavored Drinks

Banned in: Over 100 Countries, including the U.S.A.
Reason: Contains BVO
Est. Global Sales: $3.73 billion by 2028 for the vegetable oil market*

Imagine this: on a scorching hot day, nothing beats cooling off with a refreshingly citrusy drink. It’s a tradition that has stood the test of time. But here’s the catch: not all citrus-flavored drinks are created equal. Some contain ingredients that do more harm than good. Let’s talk about Brominated Vegetable Oil (BVO). It’s commonly used in citrus-flavored drinks to maintain carbonation and prevent separation of ingredients. But here’s the twist – BVO contains bromine, which can negatively impact your thyroid. Shockingly, these drinks have been banned in over a hundred countries, including the United States. Stay informed, stay hydrated!

14. Citrus Flavored Drinks

14. Citrus Flavored Drinks


15. Vegetarian Meals

Banned in: France
Reason: Nutritional Guidelines
Est. Global Sales: $7 billion per year for plant-based foods*

Over the past few decades, the rise in veganism and vegetarianism has prompted schools worldwide to revamp their cafeteria menus, catering to the dietary preferences of all students. However, not all countries have embraced this change. One country, in particular, made the dining experience more challenging for vegetarian students. In 2011, France implemented new nutritional guidelines in cafeterias, eliminating non-meat protein sources from school meals. Consequently, these changes restricted the options available for vegetarian students in their school’s canteens. Let’s explore the impact of these decisions on students’ dining experiences.

15. Vegetarian Meals

15. Vegetarian Meals