Get Ready To Be Blown Away By These Incredible Military Vehicles

Published on 12/14/2020

B-21 Raider

There is no way that we would have forgotten about the B-21 Raider! When the Air Force wanted to create a modern version of the Long Range Strike Bomber, Northrup Grumman started working on the development of this bad boy. It is going to be a manned aircraft, even though its appeal lies in the fact that it will be a high-altitude stealth drone bomber. Those who oversee its construction said that they want at least one pilot manning the controls since it will probably be used to deliver nuclear payloads.

B 21 Raider

B-21 Raider


BigDog Military Robot

Google now owns Boston Dynamics, which whipped up the BigDog in the hopes of creating a force multiplier. Its party trick is its ability to cross different terrain types without falling over. It can run across snow, desert, sand, and forest without any difficulty! This makes it ideal for the delivery of equipment and supplies to soldiers in places that are dangerous for humans that helicopters can’t reach.

BigDog Military Robot

BigDog Military Robot