Get Ready To Be Blown Away By These Incredible Military Vehicles

Published on 12/14/2020

Sea Hunter

The official name is going to give you more context. Sea Hunter is the nickname of the Anti-Submarine Warfare Continuous Trail Unmanned Vessel, which is also called ACTUV. National Defenses seem to be more interested in quiet submarines that lurk near the shore. They came up with this quiet and autonomous anti-submarine ship to fill in that void.

Sea Hunter

Sea Hunter


The Gladiator UGCV

This is a modified bomb disposal machine developed specifically for the Marine Corps. The Gladiator has a longer range, better speed, and higher maneuverability than anything that has come before it. It also has armor against small arms fire, which makes it one of the first combat drones in service right now. On top of that, its multi-mission remote battle station can use a number of anti-vehicle and anti-personnel weapons. It can also mount supplies for forwarding troops and sensors for reconnaissance.

The Gladiator UGCV

The Gladiator UGCV