How To Shop Smartly And Affordably At Costco – The Items That Should Be Bought Or Avoided

Published on 10/10/2023

Don’t Buy – Hummus

Hummus is a delicious middle eastern dip that is excellent for chopped vegetables like carrot and cucumber sticks, or for chips and tortilla chips. While we would never stop you from buying hummus, there is a limit to how much anyone can eat, and a tub of hummus will most likely end up going sour before one even nears its bottom. So, unless you are going to have everyone you know over for a middle eastern themed party, buy smaller packages.




Don’t Buy – Printer Paper

So many of us don’t even own printers anymore with how little we rely on printed paper in the digital age. Indeed, social media, email, and smartphones have all severely reduced how much paper we actually need. But if you still need the services of a printer, then you should try a place like Staples for printer paper rather than Costco. You will get a much better deal this way and save money on your work efforts.

Printer Paper

Printer Paper