How To Shop Smartly And Affordably At Costco – The Items That Should Be Bought Or Avoided

Published on 10/10/2023

Don’t Buy – Whole Grains

While whole grains are incredibly healthy, they have a property that stops them from keeping for as long as one might expect that they would. This is due to the oils that naturally form in such grains, around the germ and bran parts. Nuts and seeds also contain oils that will cause them to deteriorate. While some grains will have most of their oils removed, that does not mean that the foods are completely dry.

Whole Grains

Whole Grains


Don’t Buy – Jerky

Spices and salt are used to turn beef cuts into beef jerky as a preserved meaty snack. While jerky is thought to be a dependable food for long whiles and trips, this is sadly not true. Meat is, at the end of the day, meat, whether it has been dried or left as it is after being butchered. You should eat your jerky in less than three days’ time if you don’t plan on refrigerating it once opened. Once in the fridge, jerky will last about a week or two.

