AL-288-1 is better known as Lucy. She is a close relative of humans from 3.2 million years ago! The body has a ‘valgus knee,’ which can be taken as proof that she could walk upright. She was likely fully matured by the time that she passed away. They were able to determine that she was around 12 years old since her molars were a little worn. She is thought to be the oldest ancestor of the hominin species, which means that she was an early human and not an ape. Found in Hadar, Ethiopia, you can find her remains in the National Museum of Ethiopia in Addis Ababa. There are models of her fossils all over the globe!

Sabertooth Tiger
The Sabertooth got its name for its canine teeth that could grow as long as 7 inches. Found in Brazil and the rest of the Americas, they went extinct during the Ice Age only 10,000 years ago. They were as big as lions, but despite the name, they were not actual tigers. You can find the biggest collection of Smilodon fossils at the La Brea Tar Pits in Los Angeles. At the moment, we do not know if they were social or solitary creatures. However, we do know that they stayed in bushes or forests to make hunting an easier activity. Not only that, but they killed prey by biting them as they held them down with front limbs.

Sabertooth Tiger