The Sroda Treasure
This discovery comes with a gold crown, rings, silver coins, gold coins, and gold pendants. This is thought to have been the original items of King Charles IV of the House of Luxembourg. It is believed that he pawned them off prior to the plague. The treasure was then abandoned and buried, discovered only a few centuries later. Within the span of three years in the ‘80s, the coins were found at a building site in Sroda Slaska, Poland. Workers retrieved what they could, but it is thought that some artifacts remain in the ground. There might still be jewelry and coins down there! The government did not try to buy back all the pieces even though it is an important treasure. Overall, this is believed to be worth $120 million.

The Sroda Treasure
The Hoxne Hoard
After a farmer in Suffolk lost his hammer, he asked an amateur metal detectorist friend for help. When they set about to look over the field, they had no idea what they would find there. They stumbled upon more than 14,800 gold, silver, and bronze coins over there! Not only that, but they also found 200 items of jewelry and silverware. The coins come from after 407 AD, around the same time as the end of Britain as a province of the Roman empire. They were buried in a chest, but no one knows to whom the loot originally belonged. The discovery resulted in a change of the law. It says that the landowner, together with the finder, has a huge stake in the treasure. Fun fact: the stash is valued at $4.9 million.

The Hoxne Hoard