Save Cash With These Fuel-Efficient Driving Techniques

Published on 12/01/2022

Driving more sparingly can reduce your annual fuel costs by several hundred dollars, increase road safety, and prolong the life of your car. By using these 5 fuel-efficient driving strategies, you can cut your car’s fuel usage and CO2 emissions by up to 25%.

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Save Cash With These Fuel-Efficient Driving Techniques

Accelerate Gently

Fuel consumption increases with increased acceleration. If you softly press the accelerator pedal while driving in the city, you will consume less petrol. Take 5 seconds to accelerate your car up to 20 kph from a stop in order to be as fuel-efficient as possible. Think of a coffee cup that is open on the dashboard. Avoid spilling it!

Maintain A Steady Speed

You consume more fuel and spend more money than necessary when your speed falls and spikes. According to tests, increasing and decreasing your speed by up to 5 km/h every 18 seconds might result in a 20% rise in gasoline consumption.

Where conditions allow, take into account activating cruise control while driving on the highway. Be aware, though, that when gravity does the job, slight differences in speed might be advantageous. Where traffic patterns allow, slow down when going uphill and pick up speed again when going downward.

Anticipate Traffic

When you are driving, keep an eye out for what is coming up. Additionally, maintain a safe separation between your car and the one in front of you. You may maintain a consistent pace and consume less fuel by closely observing what people and other vehicles are doing and projecting what they will do next. Additionally, driving this way is safer.

Avoid High Speeds

Respect the speed limit to conserve gasoline! The majority of automobiles, vans, pickup trucks, and SUVs are most fuel-efficient between 50 and 80 km/h. The faster a vehicle travels over this speed, the more fuel it consumes.

For instance, a vehicle uses 20% more fuel at 120 km/h than it does at 100 km/h. This increase in speed would only reduce your travel time by two minutes on a 25-kilometer journey.

Coast To Decelerate

Each time you apply the brakes, you lose forward motion. You can frequently tell when to slow down well in advance by keeping an eye on how the traffic is behaving in the distance. By letting up on the gas and coasting to slow down rather than applying the brakes, you will save money and fuel.

These Methods To Use Less Fuel

Avoid idling your vehicle: Unless you are in traffic, turn off your engine whenever you are stopped for longer than 60 seconds. For every 10 minutes that a 3-liter engine vehicle idles, 300 milliliters (more than 1 cup) of fuel is wasted.

Measure your tire pressure every month: Up to 4% more fuel can be consumed when driving a car with tires underinflated by 56 kilopascals (8 pounds per square inch). Additionally, it can shorten your tires’ lifespan by more than 10,000 kilometers. On the tire information placard, you can find the recommended tire pressure for your car. Usually, it is near the doorpost or edge of the driver’s door.

Use a manual transmission properly: Observe the tachometer, which displays engine speed. Use it to determine the optimal time to shift a manual transmission for maximum fuel economy. The amount of fuel burned by the engine increases with rpm. In order to increase speed in the higher gears, smoothly and quickly shift through the lower gears.

Don’t carry unnecessary weight: Sand, salt, and sporting goods should all be removed from your car. Your vehicle will consume less fuel the lighter it is. Every 25 kilograms of weight carried boosts a mid-size car’s fuel usage by around 1%.

Remove roof or bicycle racks: When not in use, remove the racks to streamline your car. On the highway, aerodynamic drag might result in a 20% increase in gasoline usage.

Use air conditioning sparingly: Up to 20% more fuel may be consumed by a car when the air conditioner is running. When driving in the city, open the windows, and when on the highway, use the flow-through ventilation system with the windows up. Use the re-circulate setting if you do decide to use the air conditioner. It will lessen the effects.

Use a fuel consumption display: With the aid of a fuel consumption display, which is now a feature that is standard on many vehicles, you can see the effects of the 5 fuel-efficient driving techniques firsthand. (Some newer vehicles have even more advanced displays that monitor speed variations, manual transmission shift points, and driving habits like acceleration and braking rates.) By acting on the information provided by fuel consumption displays, many drivers reduce their fuel consumption by 15%.