Love Makes The World Go ‘Round
Sharing was another significant theme of the festival, which made sense given the principles that Woodstock promoted. Because there was insufficient food for everyone, many shared their meals. Because there were too many people, there was food scarcity. People were happily celebrating love! On the festival grounds, many people volunteered to feed the attendees. Gender, ethnicity, and age were irrelevant because people needed to be fed.

Love Makes The World Go ‘Round
More Amazing Performances
The festival lasted three days and featured numerous musical artists. Among the performances were The Who and Creedence Clearwater Revival! The latter was the first big-name performer to sign on with the organizers. This provided the festival with the credibility required to attract more well-known artists. Do you believe other festivals will be able to equal Woodstock’s legacy? We’ll have to wait and see.

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