Some Of The Most Valuable Vinyls You May Have In Your Home

Published on 09/05/2019

Michael Garrick Trio, Moonscape (1964)

This jazz album that has six tracks on it was released in 1964 by Airborne. This was not the band’s only album, but it seems to be the most popular one to this day. If you were looking to buy the vinyl for this album, you’ll have to have about $5,310 ready to pay up for it!

Michael Garrick Trio Moonscape

Michael Garrick Trio, Moonscape (1964)

Genesis, The Silent Sun/That’s Me! (1980)

This classic rock album features five songs on Track A and six songs on Track B, but all 11 songs are some of their greatest hits. Genesis has been labeled as having a few different styles of music, some of which are psychadelic rock, art rock, and prog rock. If you want to buy this vinyl today it will cost you nearly $5,300.

Genesis, The Silent Sun

Genesis, The Silent Sun/That’s Me! (1980)