Röyksopp, Melody A.M. (2001)
This was the debut record of the Norwegian electronic duo! It was a commercial and critical hit that sold more than 1 million copies! The group became big in the U.S. when a popular Geico commercial featured “Remind Me”. The pressing of the record is especially valuable. It features a stencil rendition made by Banksy! They only made 100 limited edition copies of these, with a number of color variants. If you scored one of these, it is not unreasonable to ask $14,204 for it.

Röyksopp, Melody A.M. (2001)
The Beatles, Yesterday and Today (1966)
The original cover of the record shows all four members of The Beatles in butcher’s attire. They were holding headless baby dolls and had raw meat across their laps as well! We do not know what they had in mind back then, but we are in no place to question the choices made by the great rock band. Many people disapproved of the cover, so Capitol Records paid $250,000 to buy back the 750,000 copies they printed and sent to stores. They failed to retrieve all of them. A copy can get you $15,300!

The Beatles, Yesterday and Today (1966)