Cars That Are Set To Plummet In Value This Year

Published on 01/17/2019

If you’re on the hunt for a new or second-hand car, you’d probably want to get your money’s worth. So naturally you’ll check all the details, fine print, condition, mileage, tax, and insurance. However, one thing you might forget to check is how the fast the car’s value will depreciate. You may not realize that a new car will lose about 10% of its value as soon as you drive it out of the dealer’s garage. In fact, every car will lose it’s retail value over time, but some will lose their values faster than others. So, if you’re looking for a new ride, check out this list of cars that are set to plummet in value at the highest rate this year.

Cars That Are Set To Plummet In Value This Year

Cars That Are Set To Plummet In Value This Year


Kia Optima

The Kia Optima has both significant pros and cons. On the one hand, it has a sleek design, lots of space, upgradable features, and a reliable engine. On the other hand, its fuel efficiency rating is lacking, and its devaluation rate in the first year is 35%. New car buyers may want to opt for a more reliable car like a Ford or Honda model that will retain its value.

Kia Optima

Kia Optima