The Ugliest Cars Ever Produced

Published on 12/31/2018

1957 Trabant

The 1957 Trabant looks like people may have thought it was a good idea at the time it was made, but now just regret it completely. It might not be the worst car we’ve seen so far, but it’s definitely bad enough to have earned a spot on our list. Everything from its body shape to the choice of colors is just wrong.

1957 Trabant

1957 Trabant


1996 Suzuki X90

The 1996 Suzuki X90 seems to incorporate all the bad ideas car designers ever had into one ugly little thing. Not only is it uncomfortably small, but it looks like it was meant to be somewhat of a sports car that was cursed with a hideous exterior.

1996 Suzuki X90

1996 Suzuki X90