Meet The Celebrities And Billionaires Who Fueled Donald Trump’s Rise To Power!

Published on 07/26/2023

James Woods

“Let’s be honest: Donald Trump is a jerk. He is conceited, inconsiderate, and immature. But he cares more about America than any President in my lifetime. He is the last line of defense between us and this sewer known as Washington. I’d take him over any of these jerks any day. #Trump2020” That concludes the tweet.

James Woods

James Woods


Stacey Dash

Stacey Dash, widely known for her role in the film Clueless, was an early supporter of the Democratic Party. She did not look back after voting for Mitt Romney in the 2012 presidential election. She has recently achieved prominence as a conservative commentator, describing herself as a “woman for Trump.”

Stacey Dash

Stacey Dash