Farm Life
Hannah grew up to love horses, so much so that she became an equestrian! Without her upbringing on the farm, would she have ended up the person she is today? We’re thinking she wouldn’t have been, and Hannah seems to agree: “I have a small breeding program in California where I’m developing young horses to bring along and sell. It’s a business that so far has been really great and a great experience. It is a very expensive sport, so that is why my dad encouraged and invested in this breeding operation. They have been very supportive. The prices of horses have become astronomical. So that’s why it’s so much more rewarding to bring a horse along on your own.”

Farm Life
How Far?
We can’t even imagine how difficult it must have been to run a 60-acre avocado farm. Between waterings, dealing with fluctuating crop yields, and making sure those pesky bugs stay off the plants, there’s a lot to think about when managing a farm. When the California drought hit a few years ago, Tom Selleck did something a bit illegal to water his farm. He hired a truck to get water from a hydrant in a nearby town. When the theft was discovered, it was estimated that the water was worth $1.4 million! Selleck was probably a bit worried to find out that this crime was in fact, a felony in the eyes of the law.

How Far?