Each and every single military vessel in the world comes with a story. How can you possibly not get curious when you find an abandoned submarine? It has stories from a long time ago that you will never believe. It’s already impressive when you consider the processes that went into its creation, but what they have witnessed on the battlefield is even more incredible. This is going to be a good learning experience, so get ready. Read on to get your daily dose of history!
Soviet Naval Base
Simushir Island is on an island chain formed by volcanic activity. It lies about 250 miles away from the Japanese coast. The Soviet Union used it as a secret submarine base after blasting a channel through it to access Broutona Bay in the ‘70s. They made a whole town around the base and 3,000 people lived there in its heyday. They built 3 submarine docks, one of which remains to this day. They planted mines and explosives in northern Japan and helped radar in the part. These days, it is only full of submarines, murals, signs, and maps.