Baby Seal’s Odd Behavior Gets Zookeeper Fired After CCTV Review

Published on 05/16/2024

Susan to the rescue

Susan arrived just as John was considering his next move, and her timing could not have been better. When she saw John, she paused, her look a mixture of surprise and alarm. John sensed a flicker of hope: perhaps he wasn’t out of alternatives after all. Susan, who is always dependable, could be an unexpected ally in this desperate situation.

Susan To The Rescue

Susan To The Rescue


A surprised inquiry

“Why are you here, John?” Susan inquired, her brow furrowed with dread. She’d heard of his firing but couldn’t figure out his whereabouts outside the zoo. John struggled for a plausible story. “Oh, I just forgot some stuff at my desk,” he lied, attempting to appear casual. Susan gave him a long look before offering to let him in. John sighed in relief, but he knew this was only the beginning of a difficult scenario.

A Surprised Inquiry

A Surprised Inquiry