Humble was a tricky word to use. We could not use it to describe ourselves. There was a phrase in the Catch-22 paradox that was saying, “if you said you are humble, then the act of saying that proves you are not” However, when a people put the word humble on the plate of their car especially on the golden Bentley, it might not be a good idea to say that we were a humble person. It might mean sarcasm instead.

I Got Mortified
Here in our world that was called Earth C-69, Rick had turned into a cargo that was traveling on the road. The owner of the cargo might have decorated his vehicle intentionally. However, we would not know the true intention of the owner why he did that kind of thing. Maybe Morty was turned into a truck. If this did not make any sense, we should watch Rick and Morty instead.

I Got Mortified