I Got Stuck
Poor judgment can cause many effects on the road. However, the car that was stuck on the footbridge because of some poor judgment of the driver would leave us asking why. Did the driver think that the footbridge was an overpass? Did the driver think that it was normal to drive over the grass in order to reach the overpass? Can we resemble the footbridge as an overpass that the car could pass? We have many questions to ask this driver.

I Got Stuck
A Snake!
It was common that people left their pets inside the car when they were going to the place where they wanted to be. Although, we could not suggest that we should leave our pet inside the car because it might cause suffocation for our beloved animal. Most of the time, we can see dogs and cats that were inside the car, but this time it was a snake. When we saw a snake inside the car was terrible enough. However, this snake was freely roaming inside the car. We might think that the snake was not a pet of the car owner, but simply it just sneaked inside the car.

A Snake!