Never Worry About The Maintenance Works For Your Homes And Just Use These Home Repair Hacks

Published on 12/04/2020

24. Bath Your Shower Heads With Vinegar

Unwanted minerals, as well as dirt piling up on showerheads, might be removed using vinegar. To soak it immediately in vinegar will get rid of the grime as well as minerals accumulated inside. Maintain cleanliness by performing this strategy thrice or twice a week.

Bath Your Shower Heads With Vinegar

Bath Your Shower Heads With Vinegar


25. Protect Your Car Door And Garage Wall With Pool Noodle

This entire simple hack is going to safeguard the wall of yours and the automobile door of yours from banging, as Reddit shared. Cut out a noodle pool, then screw it on the wall area in which your automobile tends to hit. Make sure you cut the noodle initially depending on the required length for uncomplicated wall installation.

Protect Your Car Door And Garage Wall With Pool Noodle (from r/lifehacks)

Protect Your Car Door And Garage Wall With Pool Noodle (from r/lifehacks)