Taking Advantage
Albright said in one interview, “They’ll use the babies, children, any way they can… the children will not go to school because their job and their future is the Family Business.” These children will grow up knowing only the life of crime and deceiving people. The Redditer who exposed this whole organization also wrote: “People should know, there’s PLENTY of service and organizations that exist to help people and ESPECIALLY for women with children. They’re taking advantage of them all as well as scamming people at the parking lot entrances. Neither of them is reporting the money they’re making from her begging and both are claiming poverty to get state and federal assistance.” Write after blowing the whistle, he started getting threating phone calls, but he wrote something more before he removed himself from Reddit.

Taking Advantage
A Caution
The nameless Reddit informant wrote, “They might be up and trying this scam again or it might be another woman either way call the cops on them, making sure to tell the dispatch that they’re “the BMW scammers” so they’re identified and the state can start the proper deportation proceedings against them… don’t help any of them or give money to any of the panhandlers you might see.” The authorities are searching for the head of this organization, and people have now become more cautious in giving their money away to panhandlers as the story became viral. After all, we don’t know what other modus operandi this Californian crime organization have up their sleeves.

A Caution