Inside Information
A man, who saw the video about the beggar, stepped up and gave Reddit all the information he knew about the suspects. He said, “…I had a friend of a friend tell me that they knew them and that they’re just a hustling pair of Con Artists whose families conned their way into the country.” He also said that he knew about the woman’s unpleasant past and how she had to start working for the said organization at a young age. After divulging the said details, he removed his Reddit account because of fear that the underground crime organization would find out who he was.

Inside Information
The Bottom Rung
Further investigation showed that the woman in the video and pictures often pretended to be pregnant to elicit pity from unsuspecting victims. This helped her make more than $500 in one day. The sad truth is that there may be more women like her around the country. The crime organization’s inner systems and operations are quite complicated, with some men heading the entire group from the top. They assure women that they would provide food and housing, so they could dispatch them in various areas across the country. Their deceptive ways of begging are sure to keep them in lavish homes and maintain expensive lifestyles. But that’s not all there is to it.

The Bottom Rung