Once she was able to get a better look at the vehicle, she established that the individual who was driving the car was in fact the young boy’s dad. This was not even the beginning of what took her by surprise. She was in total astonishment that the car was none other than a Mercedes Benz, an extremely expensive car a known luxury car brand!

Caught Red-handed
Smith continued to follow the car and saw that they reached another shopping center. It’s not even far from the one they came from. It seemed like everything was perfectly planned out. When they reached the shopping district, the pregnant beggar got out of the car and made a fool of everyone all over again. Smith said, “She sits there with the sign. He goes (and) parks the Mercedes. They put up the sign and not less than five minutes; here she is getting money from all these people.” She didn’t know that the law would soon investigate and uncover a much more serious plot.

Caught Red-handed