It Would Have Been Impossible To Explore This 2,300-Year-Old Tomb Of A Black Pharaoh Without Divers

Published on 04/28/2021

Its Influence Came And Went

Kush earned more prominence in 2000 B.C., but its influence went through ups and downs. Despite this, it is hard to ignore its production of gold. The neo-Assyrians chased the black pharaohs out of Egypt in the seventh century B.C. Even if this were the case, they kept ruling over the region until the fourth century A.D. This was when their reign over their domination finally ended.

Its Influence Came And Went

Its Influence Came And Went

Nuri Remained Unexplored For The Most Part

In 1922, the discovery of the Tutankhamun burial site received global attention. Despite this, Nuri stayed relatively unexplored. We are sure that it did not help that the huge side came with a huge challenge to archaeologists who dared to learn more about it. A lot of the tombs might have been submerged. At the time, underwater archaeology had yet to be attempted in the country of Sudan.

Nuri Remained Unexplored For The Most Part

Nuri Remained Unexplored For The Most Part