You Definitely Weren’t In The Military If You Can’t Relate To These

Published on 01/30/2019

What exactly is it about soldiers that separates them from the rest of the population? Among other things, it has something to do with the way they walk, stand, and talk. You can tell that someone is military or ex-military from the way they carry themselves. If you are not sure what exactly these mannerisms are, read on to find out!

Floor = Bed

Basic training will prepare you to sleep on any surface available. The floor will turn into your bed and your pal’s shoulder will turn into your pillow. Without a doubt, soldiers can do remarkable things. Even more impressive is the fact that regardless of how deep their slumber is, they’ll be at attention right away when necessary. That’s the military life for you.

Floor Bed

Floor = Bed


Ironing Boss

It is very important for soldiers to take care of the way they look. Among other things, they never fail to fold and iron their uniform. It is taboo for them to wear a creased uniform, so expect them to look good at all times.

Ironing Boss

Ironing Boss