Foods That Should Never Touch Your Fridge (And Why)

Published on 01/03/2025

Canned Tuna

Canned tuna is the quintessential pantry item for those who want to store food for a long time. An unopened tin can last for weeks, months, or even years. Can you think of anyone you know who doesn’t have a can of this staple in their cupboard? The truth is, the juices that coat and saturate the fish are preserved in an airtight tin for years. However, once opened, it’s a different story. While tuna can last a few days outside the fridge, the coldness of the fridge can ruin its taste and texture. So, make sure to keep your tuna out of the fridge!

Canned Tuna

Canned Tuna



Who doesn’t love a fancy spice rack on display? Whether you keep your spices out for everyone to see or hidden in a cupboard, just make sure you don’t store them in the fridge! Most ground spices can last for years when kept at room temperature (we all have that cinnamon from 2009). However, when stored in cold and damp environments, their flavor decreases, and they quickly lose their edge. After only a few days in the fridge, the vibrant smells will fade. Keep your spices in a dry, cool place to preserve their potency!

