The Cold War
Some have claimed that we know more about what’s going on in outer space than we do about what’s going on beneath our feet. You’ve probably heard of the space race, right? As part of the Cold War, two Cold War adversaries, the Soviet Union (USSR) and the United States (US), competed in the twentieth century to achieve superior spaceflight capability. It is significant because it demonstrated to the rest of the world which country possessed the most advanced science, technology, and economic system. And we have accomplished a great deal, but not many people are aware of the conquest to conquer the ground we have undertaken.

The Cold War
Race To The Depths
Since the late 1950s, scientists from the United States and the Soviet Union have been collaborating on an experiment to explore the Earth’s crust. The Earth’s crust is the lightest and most buoyant of the planet’s rock layers. Despite the fact that a quarter of the Earth’s surface is covered by oceans, the continental crust covers 41 percent of the planet’s surface. The continental crust can be up to 30 miles thick at its thickest point. After that, there’s the mantle.

Race To The Depths