Earth’s Deepest Hole Was Sealed Up After Experts Discovered This

Published on 08/04/2021

Trapped Beneath The Surface

The creation of fresh water under the earth’s surface was then stifled by impermeable rocks. This was the researchers’ explanation when they discovered this. What are your thoughts?

Trapped Beneath The Surface

Trapped Beneath The Surface


Closure And Collapse

The closing of the Kola Superdeep Borehole coincided with the disintegration of the Soviet Union. By 1995, the project had been permanently halted. It is now considered an environmental threat. Visitors may, however, view remnants from the operation in a neighboring town named Zapolyarny. It is about six kilometers from the location. Isn’t it amazing that no one else has broken the record? This implies that the borehole is still the world’s deepest man-made point!

Closure And Collapse

Closure And Collapse