One of the world’s greatest mysteries is located in the Russian Far East, in the region known as the Ural Mountains. Many scientists have spent decades attempting to drill a hole in the earth. Their goal is to allow it to travel all the way to the center of the planet. This borehole has now reached a depth of 40,000 feet and is widely regarded as the deepest manmade hole on the planet!

After Finding What’s In The Deepest Hole On Earth, Scientists Decided To Seal It
The Unexpected
They were doing well and everything was going according to schedule. They were on their way to take up residence on the mantle. Something, however, happened that was unexpected. Their plans had been thrown off course. They are at a loss for what to do other than plug the hole. What did they come across down below? You’d never guess what the solution to this mystery would be.

The Unexpected