Jeremy Meeks
Jeremy Meeks is his real name. Is this a real job? Model for the entire world! After things started to take off, bae decided to abandon his wife and children. After that, he began dating Chloe Green, the billionaire heiress of Topshop! Jeremy is currently preoccupied with scowling at various types of cameras and riding yachts around the Mediterranean, having become a father for the second time. He has a pretty good child support guarantee in case things get tough. Keep in mind that crime does not pay!

Jeremy Meeks
Smudge The Kitty
No one will be able to forget this highly charged exchange, but why would they want to? It was perfect for the internet: the human half, an enraged woman brandishing an accusatory finger. The animal half is a vengeful cat. Irreconcilable differences were not so hilarious as with endless captions! But who are the two opposing sides of the argument? Taylor Armstrong, a cast member from The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, is one of the characters. According to fans, the show is always a great source of drama. Smudge, the kitty, is a real-life pet who has its own Instagram account. He always wants a chair at dinner, according to his owner. And, as the account shows time and time again, he despises salad!

Smudge The Kitty