Still Remember Some Of The Viral Memes? Here’s The Latest Update About Them!

Published on 12/20/2022

A Shirt’s Gotta Eat…

This guy didn’t expect his KISS t-shirt to be served before him, but that’s life. Sometimes the setting and timing are just too ideal. Consider what would have happened if the child had selected a different seat. A magnificent chance would have been squandered…

When There’s Ice Cream

A Shirt’s Gotta Eat…


When a t-shirt makes your dreams come true…

Isn’t this picture adorable? This guy is clearly ecstatic to see his hero. His expression says it all. Fortunately, because he was most likely speechless, the t-shirt could speak for him! What a lovely gesture!

When A T Shirt Makes Your Dreams Come True

When A T Shirt Makes Your Dreams Come True