Still Remember Some Of The Viral Memes? Here’s The Latest Update About Them!

Published on 12/20/2022

The Fierce Lion Of MGM

A photo of a lion tied to a machine to make MGM’s iconic intro of a roaring lion is actually a photo of a lion being diagnosed at the vet’s office. Fortunately, the lion made a wonderful recovery and is now completely healthy. Also, an interesting fact is that 7 lions have been used to create the MGM intro, the current one, whose name is Leo, has appeared in most of the films since 1957.

El Feroso Leon De MGM

The Fierce Lion Of MGM


The Real Deforestation

Recently, the # 10yearchallenge hashtag went viral with people from all over the world sharing how they have changed over the years. Some people decided to use the hashtag to warn people about the terrible impact we are having on this earth. One of the biggest environmental problems of the 21st century is deforestation, and that’s exactly what people tried to warn us about. Unfortunately, the image that was used to spread the message was false: the before and after photos of a completely cut-out rainforest were actually the same photo.

La Verdadera Deforestación

The Real Deforestation