Woman Files Divorce After Feeling Sick From Mother-In-Law’s Dish

Published on 09/27/2023

She Kept Getting Sick

She initially believed that being unwell after eating at her in-laws’ home was just a stomach virus. But she realized something else was going on when it occurred a second, third, and fourth time.Her spouse didn’t comprehend when she tried to explain the situation to him.

She Kept Getting Sick

She Kept Getting Sick


Overwhelming Nausea

Every time Lily ate at her in-law’s, she was overwhelmed by a wave of nausea. The feeling was intense, usually hitting her within an hour of finishing the meal. She tried to brush it off as an upset stomach, but the severity of the sickness was too much to ignore. Even simple tasks became a struggle as she battled the queasiness.

Overwhelming Nausea

Overwhelming Nausea